How To Ice Skate Backwards? My Personal Method!

How To Ice Skate Backwards? My Personal Method!

If you are an Ice-skating lover, you probably be wondering about how to ice skate backwards. That’s indeed a unique skill to learn whenever you are on the ice to play something or do it intentionally. But in this article, I’ve got you covered.

Today, I’ll show you how to learn ice skating backward while keeping safety a prominent factor. So, fellow ice skaters, let’s stop talking and start learning! Here is how I do it!

Is It Possible For Me To Ice Skate Backward?

Certainly, you can learn to ice skate backward. Just as with any skill, it will take practice and patience, but many people master this with time.

I’ve seen beginners who were initially hesitant on the ice become quite skillful after putting in consistent effort.

It’s all about balance and understanding the movements. When you watch experienced skaters, you’ll notice how they seem effortless, gliding in reverse—a testament to their practice.

You, too, can achieve this with determination. Just give yourself the chance to learn, and before you know it, you’ll be skating backward confidently.

Remember, every professional was once a beginner, so there’s no reason you can’t do it too!

Is It Safe To Do Backward Ice Skating?

Moving backward on ice skates can be just as safe as skating forward, provided you take the right precautions.

Just like I keep an eye on the fundamentals when teaching new skaters, you, too, should focus on mastering the basics.

Ensure you’re wearing proper gear—helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards can be real game-changers in protecting you if you take a tumble.

Also, you should start by learning to skate backward in a controlled environment, preferably during less crowded times or in a designated learning area if available.

This way, you have space to maneuver without the worry of bumping into others. With the right safety measures in place, you can pursue this cool skill with confidence!

How To Ice Skate Backwards For Beginners?

To ice skate backward as a beginner, you should first get comfortable with the basics of skating forward.

Once you’re confident moving ahead, you can transition to going backward by following these steps.

First, stand with your feet together on the ice. Then, bend your knees slightly — this helps with balance. Now, gently shift your weight onto the front part of your skates. Here’s the fun part: push one skate out to the side and then bring it back to meet the other, almost like you’re drawing a small half-circle on the ice. Alternate sides and keep practicing these half-circles, and before long, you’ll notice you’re moving backward!

Always keep an eye out for others on the ice to stay safe.

Remember, the key is to keep practicing and not to rush progress.

a man and women learning backward ice skating

Soon, you’ll be gliding backward with ease, just like you see other skaters do!

How To Ice Skate Backwards Step By Step?

Skating backward isn’t as hard as it seems, and it can be really fun! All it takes is a little patience and practice.

To help you glide backward on ice with confidence, I’ve outlined a simple step-by-step process here, which I followed once to learn backward ice skating.

Let’s take a closer look at it!

Step 1: Get Comfortable With The Basics

Before you start moving backward, make sure you’re comfortable on the ice. You should be able to balance well and skate forward without any trouble.

Therefore, spend some time getting used to the feel of the ice and your skates.

Step 2. Find Your Balance

Balance is crucial when you’re trying to skate in reverse.

person standing on ice wearing skates finding balance

Therefore, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly.

This stance helps you stay steady. Feel your weight evenly spread over the soles of your feet.

Step 3. Use the Right Technique

To move backward, you’ll want to use a technique called ‘lemons.’

With this, begin with your feet together, then push them out to the sides and bring them back in.

Your tracks should look like lemon shapes or an hourglass.

Step 4. Practice the Glide

Once you get the hang of ‘lemons,’ try to glide a little after each push.

As you bring your feet back together, let your momentum carry you. This helps you skate backward smoothly.

Step 5. Repeat and Refine

Skating backward takes practice. The more you repeat these steps, the better you’ll get.

So, keep trying and refining your technique. Also, practice these moves each time you’re on the ice, and you’ll be skating backward like a pro before you know it!

However, always wear proper safety equipment when you’re on the ice.

This includes a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. It’s better to be safe and keep practicing without any worry.

Other Ways Of Learning Backward Ice Skating:

Besides this traditional way of backward ice skating, I’ve found three more amazing ways of learning it. These are pretty simple to follow and will work with your case.

The Crossover Method:

crossover method for ice skate

Another way to skate backward is by using the crossover method. You follow the steps below to learn it properly.

  1. First, start with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly, just like in the ‘lemons’ technique.
  2. Then, push one foot behind you and cross it over the other foot in front of you.
  3. As you do this, push the other foot out to the opposite side.
  4. This will create a smooth and continuous backward motion.

By doing it again and again, soon, you’ll be the master at ice skating backward and will also thank me for telling you this unique method!

The Pivot Method

The pivot method is another technique for skating backward. Here is how it works.

  1. You start with your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your body slightly to the side.
  2. Then, push off with one foot while keeping the other foot stationary on the ice.
  3. After a slight glide, bring your pushing foot back in line with the stationary foot and pivot your body in the opposite direction.
  4. Continue alternating between pushing off with each foot and pivoting until you feel comfortable.

Yet, it’s important to practice both techniques and find which one works best for you. With time and patience, you’ll be skating backward smoothly using any of these methods! Keep practicing and have fun on the ice!

How To Ice Skate Backwards At Home?

Skating backwards at home might seem challenging, but you can definitely make progress with some clever techniques.

First, you’ll need a slippery surface to mimic ice. Some people use smooth tiles or purchase synthetic ice mats designed for indoor skating.

Now, when you have got that, you need to slip into your skates and start with the basics, just like you’d do on a real ice rink.

Using the ‘lemons’ technique, as I discussed earlier, is perfect for at-home practice.

You can perform the same movements on your practice surface.

Slide your feet in the lemon pattern and try to feel the balance.

You don’t need much space, just enough to get the movement right. Remember to keep your knees bent and stay steady on your feet.

However, I always recommend having a buddy with you, like a family member, who can watch and guide you.

They can offer support if you’re feeling a bit wobbly or even just cheer you on as you master each step.

Plus, it’s always safer and more fun when you have someone else to join in on your skating adventure!

Keep practicing these movements, and you’ll slide backwards with ease, ready to hit the ice with confidence.

How To Stop While Doing Backward Ice Skating?

Now, let’s tackle how to stop when you’re gliding backwards. It’s a crucial skill to keep you safe on the ice.

Just like I showed you how to start, I’ll guide you through how to come to a stop.

For this, you’ll use the plow stop technique, a basic skill even for those new to ice skating. Start by bending your knees.

You’ll feel more stable with a lower center of gravity. Next, gently push your feet outwards and angle the toes towards each other, forming a sort of ‘V’ shape.

Your heels should move slightly apart. The pressure of the inside edges of your blades against the ice will slow you down.

Make sure to ease into this without forcing your feet too much to avoid falling. Keep practicing this motion, and soon you’ll have it down, stopping with ease and confidence.

Hence, just like learning to skate backwards, stopping smoothly is all about practice and balance. So keep at it, and you’ll master this essential skill in no time!

How To Ice Skate Backwards Hockey?

Skating backwards in hockey is an essential skill that can give you a competitive edge during a game. Here’s how you can start mastering it.

Firstly, you’ll practice a slight swizzle motion with your feet, forming an inverted ‘V’ — unlike the ‘lemons’ technique, you keep your toes pointed inward.

This time, instead of bringing your feet all the way together, push outwards with the inside edge of one skate and glide backward.

Now, maintain your balance and focus on pushing with one foot, then the other, in a smooth and rhythmic motion.

As you push off, the skate should return to the starting position, ready for the next push. It’s similar to the striding you do when skating forward, but now you’re in reverse.

You won’t need any special equipment, just your skates and dedication.

Keep practicing this rhythm, and soon you’ll be skating backwards effortlessly, dodging opponents and controlling the puck like a pro.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Do You Go Backwards When Ice Skating?

To ice skate backwards, start with the basic ‘lemons’ technique: glide on two feet, bend your knees, and push your feet outward and then inward in a rhythmic pattern. As you gain confidence, try the ‘crossover’ or ‘pivot’ method for a smoother motion. For the crossover, cross one foot behind the other and alternate these movements, while for the pivot, push off with one foot and then pivot on the other in alternating fashion.

How Do You Turn Backwards On Skates?

Turning backwards on skates involves a transition from forward to backwards, known as a ‘mohawk’ turn. Begin skating forward, then place one foot behind with both toes pointing in opposite directions, forming an open ‘V’. Pivot on the balls of your feet to switch the leading foot and glide backwards. Practice makes perfect, so repeat this motion until it feels smooth and natural.

How Do I Become A Better Backwards Skater?

Improving your backwards skating skills requires practice and patience. Focus on mastering the basic techniques before moving on to more advanced methods like crossovers and pivots. Strengthen your leg muscles through off-ice exercises, maintain a proper posture with bent knees for balance, and frequently practice to develop muscle memory. Observe experienced skaters and consider taking lessons for personalized advice.

How Do You Change Directions In Ice Skating?

To change directions while ice skating, reduce your speed to a comfortable glide, then use a turn or step sequence to switch orientation. For a basic turn, shift your weight to one skate and use the other to pivot in the direction you want to go. A more advanced method involves a crossover move, where you cross one foot over the other while shifting your body weight. Keep practicing these movements to perform smooth and controlled direction changes.

Last Thoughts:

Learning backward ice skating isn’t rocket science that you cannot perform or do. With little to no practice, you will happily be doing it. However, if you need more help or have any questions regarding it, don’t forget to mention your concerns in the comment box. Also, follow Skates Query for more latest posts on Skating, as I’ll be posting so much lately! See you on the next one!


  • Harry Moore

    Hi, I am Harry, your Author at Skates Query. I have been skating since the age of 10. All these years, I have been into various skating parks in the USA and UK. I love skating, so I am here to help my fellow skating lovers by answering their queries or recommending the best skates with all my experience. If you don't find me writing, I'll be working at a Skate Shop in the UK, spending time with my loved ones, or probably at your nearest skating park!

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